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The company behind JUUL specifically targeted young adults and teens to get them addicted to vaping. Now, hundreds are becoming sick, dying or are becoming extremely addicted to these e-cigarettes. The executives are getting rich off of your illness.

About Vaping

JUUL addictionMakers of electronic cigarettes (also known as e-cigarettes, e-cigs, and vaping products) design them to look like cigarettes, writing pens, USB flash drives, and other common products. The devices have liquids with nicotine in a variety of flavors. The battery and heating coils warm the liquid to become vapor that users inhale.
The most common vaping instrument is JUUL. JUUL e-cigarettes use pods that look similar to a USB flash drive, but they contain dangerously high amounts of nicotine. One pod equals an entire pack of cigarettes. Also, the nicotine in a pod has a higher concentration of nicotine than cigarettes. Additionally, the body absorbs the nicotine at a higher rate.

The Truth Behind JUUL Addiction

Government agencies are coming forward to accuse JUUL of targeting young and underage people in its advertising with the sole purpose of making sure they develop a JUUL addiction. In 2016, the first ads for JUUL depicted only young people, and the company relied heavily on social media to spread its message. One ad showed a young man kissing a woman with a JUUL in his hand. Another showed a person in a hammock on a beach, with a cloud of vapor over his head. On Instagram and Facebook, Juul posted photos of Katy Perry with its device at the Golden Globes. Also, the nicotine flavors had children in mind. These included mango, strawberry lemonade, watermelon, grape and more.
Plus, the device looked like a USB that teenagers could hide and easily use without an adult knowing. There is no odor with the vape, and the smoke disappears quickly. There are other manufacturers of vape products, however, JUUL dominates the market. Before JUUL, less than 4% of high school students smoked. Now, 3.6 million do.

Teen Gadolinium RetentionSeek Justice

If your child became addicted to JUUL, compensation could be available. Contact the Michael Brady Lynch Firm today for a free consultation to learn more about seeking justice. Compensation may be available for any medical expenses associated with this ordeal, as well as for your physical and emotional suffering. There is no obligation. Let our over two decades of experience bring you the justice you deserve.

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