Disclaimer: Note that the firm is no longer accepting cases for the anti-psychotic medication Abilify or Tylenol autism cases. Thank you.
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Sexual Abuse Victims

Sexual abuse is devastating. This is especially true when abusers take the form of a trusted person like a mentor, teacher, or caregiver. It can take a lifetime to mend the emotional and mental pain after sexual abuse. This is why The Michael Brady Lynch Firm is dedicated to helping victims of sexual abuse receive civil justice. Someone in a position of authority should have protected you, and we will hold he or she accountable.

Camp Abuse

Camp Abuse

Clergy Abuse

Spiritual Abuse Ojm9u3f0d3wzlayc3qp6kgqql1b17e02vapq3r60ak

Foster Abuse

Abuse Ojm9u3ezr6irsavgwa9lifbk2d77vie7xef511xea0

Sports Abuse

Sports Camp

Clubs Abuse

Clubs Abuse Ojm9u3f0d3wuh5m9iq12fos8hkozdx0a7xc9lij9j6

School Abuse

Boarding School 2 Ojm9u3ezr6irsavgwa9lifbk2d77vie7xef511xea0

Provider Abuse

Sad Woman

Customer Abuse

Customer Abuse Ojm9u3eq0cba4ezlxi3gbjeqgknlioir1g6m0jsc8w

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking
Sexual Abuse 2

Victim’s Rights

As a victim of sexual abuse, there are options. You may be entitled to compensation for physical, emotional, and financial losses if you or a loved one has suffered a sexual assault, rape, or other violent crime on someone else’s property.

Get Legal Help

Survivors of sexual abuse can file civil suits against perpetrators and other responsible parties, regardless of the outcome or existence of a criminal prosecution. Civil lawsuits can help a survivor seek monetary damages. This compensation can never change the abuse suffered but can help rebuild a life.

Plus, a civil suit can deter future abuse. This is why it is important if you or a loved one was the victim of sexual abuse to contact The Michael Brady Lynch Firm. We will provide a free consultation and instruct of any avenues available to you for civil litigation.

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