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Qui Tam Whistleblower

Fraud can run rampant in many different government-funded programs. The fraud seen can range from Medicare Fraud, Defense Contracting Fraud and many different types of Tax Fraud. Qui Tam or Whistleblower Litigation is when an individual stands up and sues on behalf of the United States to recover fraudulently obtained funds.

About the Whistleblower Statute

In 1863 to combat fraud in Union contracts during the Civil War, Congress passed the Whistleblower or Qui Tam statute. It was not until 1986 before Congress modernized the Whistleblower statute and renamed it to the False Claims Act (FCA). It became the government’s primary tool to combat fraud. Individuals who report government-program fraud bring the lawsuit on behalf of the government.

The Law Protects and Rewards a Whistleblower

Whistleblower Lawsuit Supreme CourtWhen a knowledgeable attorney like those found at The Michael Brady Lynch Firm files a False Claims Act lawsuit, he or she files it under a seal. This means it is completely confidential. There is also a full disclosure statement in the suit, which details the evidence collected by a whistleblower.

After we file your suit, the Department of Justice will review the evidence before deciding to step in and decide if they want to prosecute the case. The government’s fraud investigator will work closely with you, the whistleblower to identify all responsible for the fraud.

You could be entitled to 15-30% of the funds recovered. In order to receive the reward, you must be the first one to file a case under the False Claims Act. This is why it is key to pick an experienced attorney to work quickly to get your compensation.

Types of Whistleblower or Qui Tam Cases

Contract Fraud

Government contract fraud has increased in recent years. Contractors and subcontractors try to increase profits by defrauding the US government.


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Healthcare Fraud

Medicare and Medicaid lose an estimated $60 billion annually to fraud. This rate of qui tam cases is not expected to slow down since whistleblowers are compensated. 

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Social Security Fraud

People take advantage by pretending to have a medical condition and collect benefits without working. Whistleblowers are essential in exposing this fraud.

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Tax Fraud

To maximize profits, businesses minimize tax liability. When they pay less, this hurts all taxpayers. Social Security fraud happens in different ways


Education Fraud

Educational loan abuse and fraud involving federal funds have risen. Many notorious schools settled allegations of Education Fraud for millions of dollars.

Premier Complex Litigation Attorneys

MoneyThe Michael Brady Lynch Firm has successfully represented thousands of consumers and recovered millions of dollars for their clients. Our team of attorneys has been recognized as some of the most experienced and successful in the country. Our award-winning staff is also sought after for our knowledge on complex litigation, scientific evidence development, negotiation strategies and trial tactics.

Most of all, our law office is resourceful and dedicated to pursuing any compensation you are due. Because of this, we have received a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement, such as inclusion on numerous Plaintiff Steering Committees.  We will take whatever legal measures are necessary when fighting for your rights to damages.

Therefore, if you believe you have uncovered evidence of fraud involving a government-funded program, contact us today. Our attorneys have represented many clients in the past with complex cases. We will work tirelessly to obtain results on your behalf.

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