Disclaimer: Note that the firm is no longer accepting cases for the anti-psychotic medication Abilify or Tylenol autism cases. Thank you.
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Construction Accidents

There are more than 150,000 construction accidents each year that lead to injuries. Many people working in a small area while using heavy machinery and rushing to make deadlines can lead to more injuries. These accidents do not just apply to contractors but also non-employees visiting the work site.


Types of Construction Accidents

Proving Construction Negligence

Third Party Construction Liability

Construction Accident News

Free Consultation

When injured in a construction accident, recovery can be costly both physically and emotionally.  Many have mounting medical bills, rehabilitation costs, loss of wages and emotional distress. It is important to address a construction accident quickly since legal recourse could only be available for a short time.  The Michael Brady Lynch Firm has over 20 years of experience helping the injured. We specialize in a hands-on approach to ensure that every aspect of your case is met with compassion and diligence. We have recovered multi-million dollar rewards for our clients. Call today to find out how we can help you as well.

What Our Clients Are Saying