Here to Help You
Even though you pay for insurance each month, when you need it most the insurance company may try and find a way to pay you as little as possible. Sometimes, the company will avoid paying altogether for the damages sustained to your property.
f your home or business suffered hurricane damage, and your insurance company denied your claim or isn’t paying full value, contact us today for a free consultation. An experienced complex litigation attorney like The Michael Brady Lynch Firm can help. We will work to give you the resources for your case.

Types of Storm Damage
The extent of the damage will depend on the strength of the hurricane. Regardless of the strength, hurricanes have five main hazards people should watch out for when it comes to property damage.
After Hurricane Steps
Even the best attempts can end in damage after a hurricane. After your home or business is damaged in the storm, make sure you take the following steps to ensure your insurance claim is handled promptly and fairly.
Insurance Tactics
There are a variety of tactics that insurance companies employ to make receiving benefits from a claim very difficult. It is important to read these examples, and if it happened to you to contact us immediately.
Disputing a Denied Claim
Before the appraiser arrives, you can educate yourself about the damages by obtaining repair estimates from contractors. This includes but not limited to ensuring the estimate include details about the repair.
After hurricane damage, there are many questions homeowners have. Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions homeowners usually have when faced with a damaged home and an insurance company that will not approve a claim.
Contact Us
If you have additional questions if the insurance denied your hurricane claim, please contact us today. Our attorneys have over 20 years of litigation experience and are frequently sought after from around the United States for their knowledge and expertise.

Our mission is to help those afflicted by a hurricane claim denial We have over two decades of experience getting justice for those wrongfully injured. If you or a loved one, had a claim denied, contact us today. Additionally, our attorneys are standing by to help answer any questions you may have.