Disclaimer: Note that the firm is no longer accepting cases for the anti-psychotic medication Abilify or Tylenol autism cases. Thank you.
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Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando

Each year, just in Orange County Animal Services alone, they receive around 25,000 animals. Over 50% of the dogs and cats will be euthanized.

Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando is working hard to combat those statistics. They save 10,000 dogs and cats every year and healed an additional 45,000 animals with their veterinary clinic.

The Michael Brady Lynch Firm teamed up with Pet Alliance to help unwanted pets in the Central Florida area. Michael along with his mother, Virginia, and fiancé, Rachel presented a $2,500 check to Stephen Brady, Executive Director of Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando and adoptable dog, Rascal.

Each year, just in Orange County Animal Services alone, they receive around 25,000 animals. Over 50% of the dogs and cats will be euthanized. Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando is working hard to combat those statistics. They save 10,000 dogs and cats every year and healed an additional 45,000 animals with their veterinary clinic. They work solely by donations from the communities and receive zero funding from national organizations like the ASPC or the Humane Society.

The Michael Brady Lynch Firm & Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando

The Michael Brady Lynch Firm strives to give a voice to those unable to speak for themselves. Just like people, animals desperately need someone to stand up for them and be that voice.  Michael Brady Lynch, Esq. of The Michael Brady Lynch Firm graciously offered to be that voice.

Michael is a fierce animal advocate and is frequently seen with his two Cardigan Welsh Corgi dogs, Molly and Sara, and rescue mix-breed, Coree. He serves on the Executive Board of Jack in the Park benefiting the Special Olympics Florida and is an active volunteer for the dog-friendly Lake Baldwin Park in Winter Park, FL.

Michael is not just an advocate for animals, though. He pioneered The Michael Brady Lynch Firm, which is a premier, national pharmaceutical and medical device trial firm with offices in Winter Park, FL and Hermosa Beach, CA. He has successfully represented thousands of consumers injured by defective drugs and medical devices — recovering millions of dollars for his clients. He is widely recognized as one of the most experienced and successful mass tort attorneys in the country and is a sought after lecturer for his distinguished views on complex litigation, scientific evidence development, negotiation strategies and trial tactics.

On April 12, Michael along with his mother, Virginia, and fiancé, Rachel presented a $2,500 check to Stephen Brady, Executive Director of Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando and adoptable dog, Rascal. Contributions like Michael’s strengthen the bond between local businesses and charitable organizations and inspire others to do the same.

If you would like to donate to Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando, please contact Cathy Rodgers at 407-418-0904.


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