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Foster Abuse

In 2016, over 687,000 children spent time in American foster care. On average, these kids remain in state care for over two years. However, for many in private or publicly-funded foster homes, safe hours and orphanages spend more than two years in these facilities. In most cases, a government agency has removed the child from a home and place him or her in foster care. These homes are supposed to help children leave dangerous environments. Yet, all too often, children experience trauma, neglect and sexual abuse.

Continual Problem

Foster AbuseState workers in charge of watching children in the foster system can be understaffed, under paid, without proper oversight and many don’t receive proper training. This means that many kids end up in unsafe environments since social workers and agency personnel sometimes fail to properly screen foster parents. These means incomplete background checks and neglecting to follow-up on child placements.

It becomes the perfect opportunity for predators to abuse vulnerable children for long periods of time. Plus, these kids don’t have anyone to help and just endure months or years of neglect or sexual abuse.

Also, victims worry that the next foster home could be worse than the current situation he or she are in. These children need the most security and safety, yet foster parents and state workers fail to protect the children. This makes them liable for any resulting injury or harm.

Get Legal Help

AbuseSurvivors of sexual abuse can file civil suits against perpetrators and other responsible parties, regardless of the outcome or existence of a criminal prosecution. Civil lawsuits can help a survivor seek monetary damages. This compensation can never change the abuse suffered but can help rebuild a life.

When a foster home takes advantage of you, this is wrong. We will hold these institutions liable.

Plus, a civil suit can deter future abuse. This is why it is important if you or a loved one was the victim of sexual abuse to contact The Michael Brady Lynch Firm. We will provide a free consultation and instruct of any avenues available to you for civil litigation.

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