Disclaimer: Note that the firm is no longer accepting cases for the anti-psychotic medication Abilify or Tylenol autism cases. Thank you.
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Sinkhole Damage

Sinkholes are a natural, common geologic feature. They happen when ground water circulating around limestone, carbonate rock, salt beds, or rocks naturally dissolve the ground. As the rock dissolves, spaces and caverns develop underground. Sinkholes can go undetected for long periods of time since the surface stays intact. This is until there is not enough support for the land above the spaces and caverns. Then, the land suddenly collapses. These collapses can be small, or they can be huge and swallow a house or road.

In a period of five years, sinkhole claims cost $1.4 billion in Florida alone. However, the true cost is far more.

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Signs of Sinkholes

Not all sinkholes are dramatic and swallow homes. Most sink hole activities happen gradually.  

The warning signs are:

  • Cracking in a “stair step” pattern on your home
  • Cracks on pool decks
  • Uneven floors or pavement
  • Doors and windows that don’t shut properly
  • Depressions in your yard
  • Fence posts sinking

Let us Fight for You

Whether you have sinkhole coverage or not, an experienced attorney will defend your claim and help prove that the damage your home sustained should either be covered under your separate sinkhole policy. Also, the damage could have been caused by catastrophic ground cover collapse, not a sinkhole. This should be covered under your regular homeowner’s insurance policy. Contact us today for more information.
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