Uber has agreed to pay $4.4 million to settle sexual harassment claims after a government investigation into the company. The U.S. Equal Opportunity Employment Commission started its investigating in 2017 when many brave customers came forward to tell the world their stories of harassment and sexual assault.
About Uber
Launched in 2010 in San Francisco as a private care service. Yet, it is now the most valuable privately-held tech startup in the world. Appraisers value the company at $70 billion, and it operates in 630 cities worldwide. Uber provides 15 million rides a day. An app downloaded on a passenger’s phone will match him or her up with a driver. The driver will then bring the passenger to the destination. There isn’t any direct exchange of money since it is automatically charged to the passenger’s credit card.
Uber Sexual Harassment Claims
These sexual harassment claims began in February 2019. An Uber engineer described how she was being propositioned by her manager. When she tried to get help, human resources did nothing to help. The employee sought outside help with the EEOC to help.
Their investigation revealed multiple women experienced the same type of sexual harassment as the Uber engineer. The $4.4 million will go into a fund to compensate anyone the EEOC determines to have experienced sexual harassment.
Also, part of the settlement agreement insists that Uber needs to submit to outside monitoring for three years, update its sexual harassment policies and continue conducting exit interviews with workers with a focus on harassment.
This isn’t the first Uber lawsuit. Last year, the company settled a $10 million lawsuit for discriminating against women and minorities.
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