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The Massachusetts District Attorney announced that Kevin Spacey will face a charge of felony sexual assault. On January 7, the Nantucket District Court will arraign the actor.

About Sexual Harassment

Kevin Spacey Sexual Assault

It is important that when unwelcome conduct crosses the line and becomes severe or pervasive enough to create an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment to seek the advice from a qualified employment lawyer experienced in sexual harassment cases for advice and help. Men and women both are guilty of sexual harassment.  A harasser can be anyone. He or she can be a supervisor, coworker or even a non-employee of the company. Anyone affected by offensive conduct could be eligible for a claim, even if he or she is not a direct victim of sexual harassment.

Kevin Spacey Sexual Assault Incident

The alleged assault on a male victim took place at a Nantucket bar in July 2016. The victim’s mother held a press conference last year to share her son’s experience of sexual assault from Kevin Spacey. He was then 18 years old when Spacey sexually assaulted him inside Club Car Restaurant on Nantucket. The boy was not of legal drinking age, yet the actor kept buying him multiple alcholic drinks.

The boy said that after he was drunk, Kevin Spacey sexually assaulted him. He made it clear that he did not give his consent. Afterward, a concerned bar patron approached the boy and told him to run. He did straight to his grandmother’s house. However, he didn’t file a police report until the following year out of fear and embarassment.

This isn’t the first allegation against the actor. A fellow actor said that Spacey made unwanted sexual advances toward him when he was 14 years old. Harry Drefuss, the son of Richard Dreyfuss claimed Spacey groped him. There are a total of 12 claims against the star.

Free Legal Consultation


If you have experienced sexual harassment in any form, you should contact an knowledgable complex litigation attorney as soon as possible. If the harassment has not stopped after making a formal complaint, consulting a complex litigation attorney is your best option. The Michael Brady Lynch Firm will be able to provide further guidance, help you file a claim, and help you build a case that will end the harassment. We have over 20 years of helping victims. Our consultations are free. Contact us today.

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