With tech companies’ moderation efforts also constrained by the pandemic, distributors of child sexual exploitation material are growing bolder, using major platforms to try to draw audiences. Some platforms are warning users that when they report questionable or illegal content, the company may not be able to quickly respond.
About Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse is devastating. This is especially true when abusers take the form of a trusted person like a mentor, teacher, or caregiver. It can take a lifetime to mend the emotional and mental pain after sexual abuse. This is why The Michael Brady Lynch Firm is dedicated to helping victims of sexual abuse receive civil justice. Someone in a position of authority should have protected you, and we will hold him or her accountable.
Child Pornography on the Rise
With the lack of moderators due to the pandemic, distributors of child sexual abuse images are trading links to disturbing child photos on popular platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. These child pornography distributors have set up a coded language to evade detection, however, it is very noticeable. Since March, child exploitation has gone up 30% globally.
Sex offenders are now using live streams to develop new content and get around moderators. Many sites do not have tools to screen these streams. The pandemic provides the perfect opportunity to victimize children. Traffickers on lockdown. Victims are home and not at school. A majority of abuse (60%) is perpetrated by a family member or close friend.
Failed Moderation
Tech companies use automated tools to detect images or videos that could be child pornography. However, these tools struggle to identify new material and rely on user reports. Plus, there are cross-platform strategies to dodge detection. If a person wants more, the distributors drive interested persons to private channels using encrypted messaging apps.
Currently, companies feel pressure to reduce the spread of misinformation related to COVID-19, also there are fewer workers available to review content. These contract workers were sent home and cannot access company systems remotely due to security measures. In fact, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have warnings that responses will be slow. Child exploiters are taking advantage of this.
Get Sexual Abuse Legal Help
Survivors of sexual abuse can file civil suits against perpetrators and other responsible parties, regardless of the outcome or existence of criminal prosecution. Civil lawsuits can help a survivor seek monetary damages. This compensation can never change the abuse suffered but can help rebuild a life. Plus, a civil suit can deter future abuse. It is important if you or a loved one was the victim of sexual abuse to contact us. We will provide a free consultation and instruct any avenues available to you for civil litigation. It doesn’t matter if the abuse happened years ago, you may still be able to get justice.
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