Disclaimer: Note that the firm is no longer accepting cases for the anti-psychotic medication Abilify or Tylenol autism cases. Thank you.
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Education Fraud

Educational loan abuse and fraud involving federal funds have risen under the False Claims Act (FCA). In the last 10 years, over a dozen whistleblowers have stepped forward against for-profit institutions of higher education. Most of these complaints involved...

Tax Fraud

To maximize profits, businesses minimize tax liability. When they pay less, this hurts all taxpayers. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) instituted a strong whistleblower reward program to ensure that wealthy taxpayers pay the amount they owe. Above all, under this...

Social Security Fraud

Social Security benefits those who truly need assistance due to severe medical conditions. These conditions prevent them from having a stable job. Unfortunately, people take advantage of this system by pretending to have a medical condition. This way they can collect...

Healthcare Fraud

The government funds the largest three healthcare programs. These are Medicare, Medicaid, and Tricare. Healthcare consumes approximately 40% of federal spending, with Medicare spending approximately $350 billion, and Medicaid totaling approximately $320 billion. The...

Government Contract Fraud

Government contract fraud whistleblowers can receive a substantial reward for reporting fraud. Whistleblowers have helped the federal government recover more than $28 billion. You can receive between 15-30% of the government’s total recovery. About Government Contract...
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