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From Australia to the US, the Catholic Church’s child sex abuse scandals keep growing. This creates outrage not just about the crimes, but also about the extent of the coverups by church officials. Every time a new case emerges, it fits the same pattern of abuse along with silencing the victim.

About Sexual Abuse

Catholic Sexual AbuseSexual abuse is devastating. This is especially true when abusers take the form of a trusted person like a mentor, teacher, or caregiver. It can take a lifetime to mend the emotional and mental pain after sexual abuse. This is why The Michael Brady Lynch Firm is dedicated to helping victims of sexual abuse receive civil justice. Someone in a position of authority should have protected you, and we will hold he or she accountable.

Catholic Sexual Abuse Cover-up

The Catholic Church can trace its origin back 2,000 years to the early Christian communities established by Jesus and his Apostles, and Roman Catholic doctrine has long emphasized continuity. For an institution so rooted in tradition, change can be difficult. This is why history, law, and doctrine all contribute to the continual failure of Catholic authorities recognizing and responding to sexual abuse.
The worse thing about the Catholic sexual abuse is it isn’t just happening by Catholic priests but on property as well. The sexual abuse occurred in places of worship, in schools, and in diocesan-owned vehicles. Many times bishops in the Church are fully aware of these abuses and go to great lengths to keep it secret.

Church rules now obligate bishops to forward any evidence of sexual abuse by priests to civil authorities. However, canon law and procedures are still relevant. Bishops who overlook evidence of abuse could be criminally and civilly responsible. However, this doesn’t always happen. More often than not the accused priest will not be arrested or face criminal charges. The church will just move the priest to a new parish.

Statute of Limitations

It is important to know that statute of limitations to Catholic sexual abuse isn’t always cut in dry. Different states have different lengths of time that victims have to file suit against their perpetrator. Therefore, it is important to seek the expert advice of a complex litigation attorney like those found at The Michael Brady Lynch Firm.

Get Catholic Sexual Abuse Legal Help

Spiritual AbuseSurvivors of sexual abuse can file civil suits against perpetrators and other responsible parties, regardless of the outcome or existence of a criminal prosecution. Civil lawsuits can help a survivor seek monetary damages. This compensation can never change the abuse suffered but can help rebuild a life. Plus, a civil suit can deter future abuse. This is why it is important if you or a loved one was the victim of sexual abuse to contact The Michael Brady Lynch Firm. We will provide a free consultation and instruct of any avenues available to you for civil litigation. It doesn’t matter if the abuse happened years ago, you may still be able to get justice.

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