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Xarelto vs Pradaxa

Warfarin was a doctor’s prescription choice of blood thinner for 60 years. Then, came Xarelto and Pradaxa. Both are part of a new wave of blood thinners. Manufacturers designed these drugs to prevent the risks of warfarin such as brain hemorrhages and other bleeding events. Plus, these blood thinners don’t require as frequent monitoring and regular blood tests like their predecessor. In addition, they no longer need to commit to dietary and lifestyle changes. All these aspects told to a patent seem to be good things. But, no one was told that these drugs could cause their death.


Xarelto vs Pradaxa: Effectiveness

Pradaxa Vs XareltoThere isn’t an efficacy study comparing Xarelto and Pradaxa. But, we can compare their studies over warfarin. In the RE-LY trial, when Pradaxa was taken twice daily (150mg) proved superior to warfarin for reducing stroke/peripheral embolic events by 34%. Pradaxa also lowered the risk of hemorrhagic stroke by 74%. However, major bleeding rates were the same as warfarin. Manufacturers designed this drug to be safer than warfarin. But, brings the same bleeding risks.

Xarelto’s ROCKET AF trial showed a daily 20mg dose of Xarelto was not better than Warfarin. Also, the drug couldn’t reduce stroke or embolisms either. Plus, bleeding risks were the same as warfarin and Pradaxa.  Yet, prescription rates are still on the rise.


Lack of Effective Antidote

Right now, Pradaxa has the only antidote, Praxbind to stop a bleeding event. However, it isn’t nearly as effective as manufacturers want you to believe. In a case study, a 65-year-old man received the antidote. Coagulation tests improved, but the man remained unstable. An upper endoscopy revealed he was still hemorrhaging. Several attempts to control the bleeding failed, and he needed surgery. His dose cost over $3,000!

Bottom line, there is no real proof that Praxbind is effective. It improves lab results, but when a person experiences a truly life-threatening bleeding event, it may not stop it. So, both drugs are equally as dangerous since no effective antidote exists for either.


Xarelto vs Pradaxa: Side Effects

pradaxa deathSlight variations of Xarelto and Pradaxa side effects exist; however, both don’t have an effective reversal agent. Both can cause extreme bleeding. In 2012 alone, there were nearly 2,000 deaths tied to Pradaxa’s bleeding. The same year Xarelto had over 1,000.

Some of the potentially fatal conditions Xarelto and Pradaxa users have suffered include:

  • Gastrointestinal bleeding
  • Brain hemorrhaging
  • Kidney bleeding
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Another internal bleeding event


Xarelto vs Pradaxa: Cost More

So, not only are these drugs more deadly than Warfarin and do not have an effective antidote, they cost more, too! Both drugs cost around $3,000 a year while Warfarin costs only $200 annually. These companies are not only putting your life in danger, but they are doing it for huge profits.


Get the Justice You Deserve

Michael Brady Lynch lawsuitIf you experienced uncontrollable bleeding from taking either Xarelto or Pradaxa, you need an experienced law firm to take your case.

Michael Brady Lynch, the founder of The Michael Brady Lynch Firm, was a member of the Plaintiff’s Steering Committee in the Pradaxa Multi-District Litigation and instrumental in securing the $650 million settlement for those injured by Pradaxa’s uncontrollable bleeding. Mr. Lynch continues to be a leader in Pradaxa litigation nationwide in representing those who continue to suffer uncontrollable bleeding events from Pradaxa.

The Michael Brady Lynch Firm is your blood thinner lawsuit law firm. We can help recover medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. Contact us today for a free, no obligation case review.

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