Disclaimer: Note that the firm is no longer accepting cases for the anti-psychotic medication Abilify or Tylenol autism cases. Thank you.
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Cardiovascular Malformations

Cardiovascular malformations are defects of the heart or blood vessels, primarily the largest blood vessels called arteries. These defects can occur in the aorta, the ventricles, atriums, any of the arteries or in combination with each other. Typically, congenital (present at birth) heart defects are diagnosed soon after birth.


Anti-depressants: The maternal use of certain anti-depressants may be associated with a nearly tripled risk of heart defects in exposed infants, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The anti-depressants linked to this and other birth defects may include:

Effexor, a similar anti-depressant, is also being researched for a possible link to an increased risk of cardiovascular malformations.

Painkillers: The use of opioid painkillers just before or during pregnancy has been shown to increase the likelihood of the baby developing heart defects. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a study that linked the development of congenital heart defects, specifically hypoplastic left heart syndrome, to prenatal exposure to opioid painkillers including:

  • Hydrocodone
  • Codeine
  • Oxycodone


Depending on the type and extent of your baby’s heart defect, treatments vary drastically. Some minor defects will need to be monitored but may heal on their own. Other defects will require open-heart surgery and prolonged recovery. Still, other defects can be survived with treatment, but will forever impede certain activities for a baby. No matter what the defect, there will be associated medical costs, physical strain on the baby, and mental and emotional burdens for the entire family. The negligent drug manufacturer who produced a dangerous drug and then didn’t warn you of all the risks should have to take responsibility for the damage to you, your child and your family. You can hold that company responsible when filing a claim for compensation.

Your Baby’s Rights

If your baby was born with cardiovascular malformations that may have been caused by exposure to certain prescription drugs before birth, your family deserves financial compensation. Although no amount of money will change what happened to your baby, compensation will help offset the current and future medical costs, as well as provide for the pain and suffering you and your baby have experienced. Filing a claim will also teach the manufacturers of unsafe pharmaceuticals that it is unacceptable to not warn parents of the risks associated with these drugs, including serious birth defects. Your suit may even prevent other families from suffering as yours has, by forcing the pharmaceutical company to change their drug’s label to warn parents of the potential risks.

Contact Us

You may be eligible for compensation to ease the financial burdens associated with your baby’s injury. Contact us today to set up a free consultation, during which we will listen to your story, answer any questions you may have and discuss your legal rights and options. If you choose us to represent you, we will work with you on a contingency fee basis; this means you pay nothing until we have secured compensation for you, either through a jury verdict or settlement.

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