Disclaimer: Note that the firm is no longer accepting cases for the anti-psychotic medication Abilify or Tylenol autism cases. Thank you.
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Momentum Builds in California Pradaxa Suits

Along with the other dedicated attorneys at The Michael Brady Lynch Firm, I have been leading the charge against the dangerous anticoagulant medication Pradaxa. We have been filing new cases for those that did not or could not participate in the MDL settlement. We are spearheading new litigations in Connecticut and Illinois. However, Californians should be pleased that their day in court is about to come.



California Pradaxa Cases

The judge granted a petition filed in cooperation with The Michael Brady Lynch Firm to have Pradaxa cases coordinated into a Judicial Council Coordinated Proceeding (JCCP). This means that lawsuits we file in any California state court from anywhere in the state can be transferred to a single judge. This is in hopes of expediting the trial process and avoiding ruling inconsistencies.  The judge for this JCCP will be the Honorable Mary E. Wiss.

We are confident that the JCCP under Judge Mary E. Wiss will be the vehicle to help further expose the dangers of Pradaxa already well known. This blood thinner is responsible for causing serious bleeding issues to more than 4,000 people. These bleeds include gastrointestinal, rectal and brain, which have killed over 540 people and thousands of others reported serious harm. Yet, Pradaxa manufacturer, Boehringer Ingelheim still denies any wrongdoing. They continue to deny it to this day. This is despite agreeing to pay $650 million to resolve over 4,000 cases in a previously settled multi-district lawsuit.



Holding Boehringer Ingelheim Liable

The facts are simple – Boehringer Ingelheim did not adequately label Pradaxa, misled medical care providers and the public in published studies claiming the drug is safer than alternative drugs on the market, failed to establish a bleeding treatment protocol and intentionally concealed the dangers of Pradaxa. All these wrongdoings by Boehringer led to many suffering damaging side effects and even loss of life.

Boehringer may attempt to argue that since an antidote is available now, we shouldn’t make them into a villain. However, this antidote has proven to be too little too late. It has only now become an option, which does little to make up for the harm Pradaxa caused prior to its placement on the market. Additionally, for those with severe bleeding injuries, medical professionals choose to not even administer the antidote — which is a telling fact in and of itself.

If you or a loved one suffered a bleeding event after taking Pradaxa, contact us today at 877-513-9517.

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