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Michael Brady Lynch Firm Files First Nevada State Court Pradaxa Lawsuit

On October 18, 2012, The Michel Brady Lynch Firm, in conjunction with the Las Vegas firm of Edward M. Bernstein & Associates and the New Orleans firm Fishman, Haygood, Phelps, Walmsley, Willis & Swanson, filed the first Pradaxa bleeding lawsuit venue in Nevada state court. The lawsuit, filed on behalf of Robert W. Geske and Olivia Geske, was filed in District Court in Clark County, Nevada, Case No. A-12-670302-C.

The lawsuit was filed against Boehringer Ingelheim, a German drug company and others for manufacturing and distributing the blood thinner Pradaxa which is alleged to have caused uncontrollable bleeding which can have permanently disabling and life-threatening consequences.

“It is an honor to be associated with such great co-counsel attorneys Ed Bernstein and Patti Wise of Ed Bernstein & Associates and Joe Peiffer of Fishman Haygood”, said Lynch. “When it comes to handling complex personal injury and product liability cases, Edward M. Bernstein & Associates is one of Nevada’s most well-known and successful law firms. In 2011, they fought other drug companies that resulted in a $104 million jury verdict”, Lynch added.

The Geske case is the first Pradaxa case to be filed in state court in Nevada. Attorney Michael Brady Lynch is also active as a member of the Plaintiff’s Steering Committee (PSC) in the Pradaxa MDL, which has consolidated all federal Pradaxa bleeding lawsuits filed against Pradaxa manufacturer Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, an irresponsible company that still has not recalled Pradaxa from the market despite the huge risk of Pradaxa bleeding dangers.

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