Disclaimer: Note that the firm is no longer accepting cases for the anti-psychotic medication Abilify or Tylenol autism cases. Thank you.
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Invokana Lawsuit Schedules Science Day for July

According to a Case Management Order, the U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey will convene Science Day on July 19, 2017, at 9:30 a.m. State court judges presiding over other this Invokana lawsuit and others will be invited to attend.

Science Day

Science DayScience Day is a common proceeding in large, complex litigations. On this day, experts from both sides of a case present scientific information regarding the drug. Plaintiffs and the defense present side effects of Invokana in an informative, nonadversarial way. Usually, the Court forbids cross-examination and doesn’t share the transcript of the proceeding.  The intention of Science Day is for the Court to learn more about the science behind Invokana.

Although Science Day shouldn’t be antagonistic, this day is the first chance that parties and their experts have to sway the Court. Because of this, attorneys and their expert witnesses including physicians and researchers should have a well-prepared case and theory. The trick is to be as persuasive as possible while sticking to the nonadversarial rules set by the Court.

Invokana Lawsuit

This Invokana lawsuit combines almost 250 cases involving Invokana or Invokamet in the District of New Jersey. The reason for these cases are many people used Invokana or Invokamet and experienced a deadly complication of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Around 14% of all diabetics end up in the hospital from this side effect. The illness can lead to common ad even death. Researchers linked over 16% of all diabetes-related deaths to DKA. DKA occurs when the body starts using fats as fuel instead of sugar or glucose. Insulin aids the body in using sugar as fuel, but when a person has diabetes, the body cannot use sugar for fuel. Instead, it uses fat. When the body breaks down the fat, it causes the body to produce acidic chemicals. These chemicals are ketones. When ketones build up, they poison the body. Then, organs can start to malfunction.

According to the FDA, there were at least 20 cases of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) associated with Invokana or Invokamet within 15 months. All these cases require visas to the emergency room or hospitalization.

That is nothing compared to the almost 500 serious adverse events reported to the FDA between March 2013 and March 2014, as documented by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices. This was 92% higher than all other medications. This report also clearly states that manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson knew that Invokana was dangerous and didn’t warm anyone. This means there is a clear evidence of harm.

When there is a clear evidence of harm, you deserve to be compensated.


Sad WomanHave You Been Harmed by Invokana?

If Invokana or Invokamet harmed you with diabetic ketoacidosis, you deserve compensation. The Michael Brady Lynch Firm knows how to go up against large pharmaceutical companies and receive multi-million dollar settlements for our clients. When choosing a firm to represent you, pick one that is knowledgeable and has the resources to try your case. We offer a free, no-obligation consultation with an attorney who will direct you every step of the way. Let us fight for you.

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