There are over 200 people newly diagnosed with MS each week. Gadolinium MS scans have been the industry standard for follow-up care for people with multiple sclerosis. However, a new study shines a light that the toxic chemical is not necessary for these MRI or MRA scans.
About Gadolinium
Gadolinium is a chemical element carrying atomic number 64 and the atomic symbol Gd. Belonging to a group of elements in the periodic table called Lanthanides, the chemical is a rare earth element typically used in microwave applications, color TV tubes, synthetic gemstones, compact discs, and also computer memory. The medical community uses this chemical element as an injectable contrast agent when patients undergo magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) scans.
Gadolinium MS Scans
The journal Radiology published a study suggesting that MRIs without the chemical gadolinium are just as effective at monitoring MS progression. People with MS usually receive follow-up scans every six months. The non-Gadolinium MS scans also take less time to perform, cost less, and reduce the chance of gadolinium retention. Gadolinium can store in the body for years in the brain, kidneys and other organs.
Although the FDA announced in December 2017 that the agency is still investigating the dangers. It is still advising facilities to hand out a pamphlet warning of the dangers of gadolinium.
Symptoms of Gadolinium MS Scans Side Effects
Gadolinium retention is when those with normal or near-normal renal function develop persistent symptoms that arise within two months after the administration of GBCAs. Dr. Richard Semelka and his co-authors proposed the name in his paper Gadolinium in Humans: A Family of Disorders.
Symptoms include:
- Persistent headache
- Bone and joint pain
- “Brain Fog”
- Thickening of soft tissue
- Skin that appears spongy or rubbery
- Painful tendons and ligaments
- Tightness in hands and feet
- Burning, cutting or pins and needles pain in arms, legs, and torso
Free Case Evaluation
A gadolinium lawsuit may be an option for patients suffering from gadolinium retention and related complications. Gadolinium, used in dyes to increase the clarity of MRI and MRA scans, can create chemical element retention in the body, Therefore, this increases the risk of gadolinium deposition disease and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. These conditions are accompanied by symptoms that include severe physical pain and cognitive difficulties. Also, affected patients and their loved ones may be able to file a lawsuit and recover damages.
Therefore, for more information, contact The Michael Brady Lynch Firm. We offer free, confidential, no obligation consultations. We also have over 20 years of experience helping consumers injured by unsafe products manufactured by large companies