Many people are realizing that their MRI or MRA has caused a litany of ailments in their body. So, they turn to their doctor for help, but the medical community still doesn’t believe in the gadolinium dangers. Therefore, victims need to go elsewhere to receive gadolinium poisoning tests.
About Gadolinium Poisoning
The FDA conducted a review of the AERS database along with additional literature and found many reports of gadolinium toxicity. Many develop side effects within hours of a scan. These side effects include pain and burning sensation at the origin site, cognitive difficulties, central nervous system problems and skin, and musculoskeletal complaints. Many end up bedridden or in wheelchairs due to their loss of mobility and pain. It doesn’t matter a patient’s health beforehand. Top level athletes or young parents have been unable to work again after gadolinium toxicity. Treatments are costly, and there is not a cure.
Gadolinium Poisoning Tests
The easiest and least invasive testing and simplest method for gadolinium poisoning is urine. Unfortunately, many doctors won’t do the testing since they do not believe gadolinium toxicity happens. However, urine testing is an important first step to a gadolinium toxicity diagnosis. It may not be definitive, however. High levels of gadolinium only show proof of retaining the chemical agent. Also, having a lower level of the chemical does not mean there weren’t high levels previously. Patients can take the test for differing lengths of time, but a 24-hour collection sample provides the most consistent results. It also reduces the chance of variables.
A doctor may request the 24-hour urine test through testing agencies like Quest Diagnostics or Lab Corp. The test is around $100. However, there are online options for testing for toxic metals if a medical professional will not order the test.
Labs Offering Heavy Metal Testing
Since many in the medical community won’t help, many people have been seeking independent labs for gadolinium poisoning tests. The Michael Brady Lynch Firm does not endorse any of these labs, but we want to offer other avenues to get a diagnosis of gadolinium retention.
Free Case Evaluation
A gadolinium lawsuit may be an option for patients suffering from gadolinium retention and related complications. Gadolinium, used in dyes to increase the clarity of MRI and MRA scans, can create chemical element retention in the body, Therefore, this increases the risk of gadolinium deposition disease and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. These conditions are accompanied by symptoms that include severe physical pain and cognitive difficulties. Affected patients and their loved ones may be able to file a lawsuit and recover damages.
For more information, contact The Michael Brady Lynch Firm. We offer free, confidential, no-obligation consultations. We have also over 20 years experience helping consumers injured by unsafe products manufactured by large companies.