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Gadolinium Study Urges Reduction of Deadly Contrast

A new study published in the Journal of the American College of Radiology is urging the significant reduction of the deadly contrast, gadolinium in MRI or MRA scans. The study mainly focuses on MS patients who often receive more than 60 doses of gadolinium over the course of monitoring the illness. However, researchers urge the reduction in all scans.


Gadolinium in MRIs or MRAs

Sad WomanBefore undergoing an MRI or MRA, a gadolinium contrast agent is injected into the bloodstream and is stored in the blood vessels and abnormal tissue. This is so doctors can easily detect and trace any problems found within the body. Previously, researchers said this chemical element was safe for use in MRIs and MRAs. In fact, the element is very toxic.

The kidney expels the chemical after receiving the injection. However, regardless of kidney health patients can develop complications from the element spreading in the body. But, not all contrast agents are alike. Some are riskier than others.


Study About the Deadly Contrast

Researchers from the department of radiology at the Hospital of the University of Pennslyvania in Philadelphia studies almost 200 patients for a year. During the study, they used in-house computer-aided detection (CAD) software to perform real-time assessments of gadolinium scans in MS patients. The patients would not receive an IV before being placed in the MRI scanner, and then they would perform a 3D FLAIR sequence. Researchers compared the FLAIR sequence to assess if gadolinium needed or not.  They discovered that the CAD software had a 94.8% accuracy over gadolinium which only had an 87% accuracy.

These results are still preliminary since the small subject size and short duration. However, the researchers expect to grow the study and continue to show how people don’t need a deadly contrast.


Free Case Evaluation

Doctor Mri SmallA gadolinium lawsuit may be an option for patients suffering from gadolinium retention and related complications. Gadolinium, used in dyes to increase the clarity of MRI and MRA scans, can create chemical element retention in the body, Therefore, this increases the risk of gadolinium deposition disease and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. These conditions are accompanied by symptoms that include severe physical pain and cognitive difficulties. Affected patients and their loved ones may be able to file a lawsuit and recover damages.

For more information, contact The Michael Brady Lynch Firm. We offer free, confidential, no obligation consultations. We have over 20 years of experience helping consumers injured by unsafe products manufactured by large companies.

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