This is Michael Brady Lynch, lead trial attorney for The Michael Brady Lynch Firm.
Another serious safety concern with Fosamax! Can this drug get any worse in terms of a safety profile?
Today FDA Communications issued a warning derived from a study from the UK General Practice Database that users of Fosamax of three years or more, or 10 more consecutive prescriptions, were at a doubled risk of esophageal cancer.
How this drug has stayed on the market so long simply defies imagination. From the direct association with ONJ to the epidemic of femur fractures and now the risk of esophageal cancer, what will it take for the FDA to call a halt to the growing number of thousands of victims of this drug? Fosamax is a case study in the failure of the FDA to serve as an appropriate watchdog for public safety from beginning to end.
About the Firm: The Michael Brady Lynch Firm is a trial firm with a focus on pharmaceutical mass tort cases involving SSRI and Anti-Seizure Medication Birth Defects such as Lexapro, Zoloft, Effexor, Prozac, Celexa, Paxil, Depakote and Topamax, as well as Actos Bladder Cancer and Fosamax Femur Fractures, and medical device cases including DePuy Hip and Trans-Vaginal Mesh cases. Contact us today if you or someone you know has experienced side effects involving these products.