More than 3.7 million babies each year are born with help from fertility treatments. However, an Australian study revealed that reproductive drugs like Clomid increase a baby’s risk of birth defects. Yet, the medical community isn’t warning mothers.
About Clomid
Approved by the FDA in 1967, Clomid, manufactured by Sanofi-Avantis, is a fertility drug to stimulate egg production in women. Similar to the natural hormone estrogen, Clomid induces ovulation, causing a woman’s ovaries to release an egg. It belongs to a class of drugs known as ovulatory stimulants. Women take the medication in cycles of 5 days. Distributors sell clomiphene citrate under the brand name Serophene.
Australian Clomid Birth Defects Study
New England Journal of Medicine published an Australian study investigating birth defects. Researchers began to look into birth defects during in vitro fertilization treatments. In South Australia, almost 20,000 babies had birth defects per 300,000 records. They found that almost 10% of babies with birth defects had mothers who used Clomid. This is a higher risk than women using no fertility treatments. In fact, this is triple the number of birth defects.
This isn’t the first study linking Clomid and birth defects. Research conducted by Wu et al. at the University of California, San Francisco found that maternal use of Clomid within 60 days before or 15 days after conception may increase the likelihood of a baby developing spina bifida by nearly 12 times. A study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health found that maternal use of Clomid is a risk factor for autism spectrum disorders.
November 2010 issue of Human Reproduction revealed an association between clomiphene citrate therapy and the birth defects of anencephaly, Dandy-Walker malformation, septal heart defects, muscular ventricular septal defects, coarctation of the aorta, esophageal atresia, cloacal, exstrophy, craniosynostosis, and omphalocele.
Researchers continue to monitor the link, but there are options if you took Clomid and your baby was born with birth defects.
Contact Us Today
If your baby was born with one or more congenital defects that may have been caused by exposure to Clomid before birth, your family deserves financial compensation. No amount of money can change what happened to your baby. Compensation will help offset the current and future medical costs, as well as provide for the pain and suffering you and your baby have experienced.
Filing a claim will also teach the manufacturers of unsafe medications that it is unacceptable to not warn parents of the risks associated with these drugs. This includes serious birth defects. Your suit may also even prevent other families from suffering as yours has. This will force the pharmaceutical company to change their drug’s label to warn parents of the potential risks.
The Michael Brady Lynch Firm is dedicated to obtaining justice on behalf of the babies and their parents. Principal lawyer Michael Brady Lynch was born with a congenital heart defect that required extensive surgery to correct. He knows how it feels to bear the burden of a lifelong scar. Also, how to live with the painful memories. He is passionate about helping infants and families who have dealt with similar circumstances.
The experienced trial attorneys of The Michael Brady Lynch Firm skillfully and tenaciously fight for the maximum compensation. We will also provide full support to your family every step of the way. Our firm has access to the medical experts and resources necessary to build a powerful claim on each client’s behalf. As true consumer advocates, we are determined to make a difference in the lives of our clients and for the safety of our community.