Disclaimer: Note that the firm is no longer accepting cases for the anti-psychotic medication Abilify or Tylenol autism cases. Thank you.
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First Abilify Bellwether Scheduled


MDL Judge M. Casey Rodgers has scheduled the first Abilify bellwether trial for June 18, 2018, in Pensacola, Florida.  Abilify treats mental disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. About 750 lawsuits claim the drug caused compulsive behavior, especially compulsive gambling.


About Abilify

abilifyAbilify (Aripiprazole) is a commonly prescribed antipsychotic used to treat agitation caused by schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or major depression. The drug is effective at controlling symptoms of these mental disorders; however, it comes with a dangerous, side effect that many never see coming compulsive behaviors such as gambling, binge eating, excessive shopping, and hypersexuality.


Abilify Bellwether

Judge Rodgers previously established an aggressive bellwether program. This is where she fast-tracked a small group of cases for early trial dates to help gauge how juries may respond to certain issues and testimony. Litigation begins in June 2018. Judge Rodgers selected three cases for convenience. Plaintiffs filed all in the same district of where the judge consolidated the MDL. This also allows for a speedier trial schedule. The judge set all three trials for a federal court in Pensacola.
The trials are:

  • Lyons v. Bristol-Myers Squibb  on June 18, 2018
  • Viechec v. Bristol-Myers Squibb on August 16, 2018
  • Lilly v. Bristol-Myers Squibb on August 27, 2018

The lawsuits target both Bristol-Myers Squibb and Japanese drugmaker Otsuka Pharmaceuticals. Otsuka invented Abilify. Bristol-Myers Squibb stopped marketing the drug in 2013. The FDA tracked Abilify’s compulsive behavior side effects since 2002. Since 2017, the government agency has nearly 500 reports of gambling disorder. However, the label didn’t even warn about compulsive gambling until 2016.


sad manWe Want to Help Abilify Victims

Undeniably, pharmaceutical companies should inform you about the long-term risks associated with their medications. If Abilify caused you to develop a compulsive behavior, you should demand accountability from Bristol-Myers Squibb. Why didn’t they tell you? We want to also help send a message that this is not acceptable. We are advocates for consumers harmed by dangerous products, and we have the experience necessary to successfully litigate these cases.

Contact the Michael Brady Lynch Firm today for a free consultation to learn more about seeking justice. Compensation may be available for any medical expenses associated with this ordeal, as well as for your physical and emotional suffering. There is no obligation.

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