Parking lots and garages are the location for many crimes. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics 10% of crimes occur in parking lots and parking garages. Experts estimate that negligent security measures are responsible for 80% of all crime that occurs at strip malls, apartment complexes and shopping malls takes place in the parking lot. These businesses must take reasonable steps to prevent violent attacks, however when this doesn’t happen the business should be liable.
Parking Lot & Garage Assault Claims
Parking lot assault claims aren’t as frequent as other assaults, however, when they do happen they can be very dangerous and have lifetime consequences. Most claimants receive between $2M to $13M for their injuries. This is usually due to a parking lot having inadequate:
- Lighting
- Response time
- Overgrown trees or shrubbery
- Patrols
- Safety practices
Needed Security Measures
A parking lot should have these security measures to cut down on the frequency of parking lot attacks. When they do not, the business could be held liable.
The number one safety measure that parking lots should have is adequate lighting. Lighting should illuminate all areas of the parking lot to ensure that guests are safe traveling to and from the store. This will deter assaults and kidnappings from parking lots. A study at Ohio State University showed that improving lighting helped lower the crime rate in their parking garages.
A parking structure should have adequate surveillance cameras. This could deter not only assaults but also break-ins.
An Institution’s Duty of Care
Owners of parking lots or parking garages have a liability to keep you safe. These include reasonable actions if a person highlights the dangerous conditions of a parking lot. Once this happens, the place needs to warn or notify others. Plus, the owner needs to regularly inspect the parking lot or garage to ensure there aren’t any issues that could cause injury to others.
Free Consultation
The Michael Brady Lynch Firm understands the complexity and mental and physical anguish that accompanies being a victim of a parking lot attack. Our job is to handle the negotiations and resolve your case quickly without a long painful legal battle. Not only are we attorneys, but we are also advocates for our clients. Let our over 20 years of experience bring the justice today. Contact us today for a free no-obligation consultation.