2 min read
Drugs are a part of modern life; they are seen everywhere from a box of ibuprofen for a headache to a needle of insulin for diabetes. Some drugs, however, become more controversial than others, and one such medication is Singulair. Singulair is an asthma and allergy medication prescribed to millions of people around the world. It was designed to help people with asthma and allergies to breathe easier and improve their quality of life. It was approved by the FDA in 1998.
Recently, however, questions have been raised as to how safe this drug actually is. There have been reports of suicide[1] and suicidal thoughts associated with the use of Singulair. Due to this, it has been linked to increased risk for suicide and sudden death in people who take the drug.
The FDA has taken notice and released a statement in 2015[2] advising those taking Singulair to be aware of the potential risks associated with it. The warning labels have also been updated to include warnings about suicidal thoughts or actions that could be caused by the drug. Researchers are continuing to look into the possible link between Singulair use and suicide or sudden death.
According to the FDA, “. . . Because of the risk of mental health side effects, the benefits of montelukast may not outweigh the risks in some patients, particularly when the symptoms of disease may be mild and adequately treated with other medicines.”[3]
Injury Criteria
The current injury criteria to qualify for a Singulair litigation is that the client must have taking the drug for an extended period of time and been under the age of 18, or a minor, and committed suicide.
The Michael Brady Lynch Firm
Here at the Michael Brady Lynch Firm, we are accepting cases of Singulair suicide. If one of your loved ones has been injured because of taking this drug, please give us a call at 888-585-5970 or email brandon@mblynchfirm.com.
Date: 1/11/2022
Author: Brandon Salter
[1] https://www.azfamily.com/2021/02/06/singulairs-dangerous-side-effects-allergy-medicine-can-cause-depression-suicides/
[2] https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-requires-boxed-warning-about-serious-mental-health-side-effects-asthma-and-allergy-drug
[3] https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-requires-boxed-warning-about-serious-mental-health-side-effects-asthma-and-allergy-drug