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Around 7 million people in the United States are living with a hip implant. Many have the DePuy Pinnacle hip implant. However, thousands are experiencing their Pinnacle hip implant failing. This makes many people scared and wondering what are the warning signs of a failing device.

About Pinnacle Hip Implants

Pinnacle Him ImplantsApproved by the FDA in 2000, the Pinnacle hip replacement is a total hip replacement system by Depuy Medical. The DePuy Pinnacle Hip Acetabular Cup System was the predecessor to the now recalled DePuy ASR XL Acetabular System and the ASR Hip Resurfacing System. The DePuy Pinnacle hip replacement is a total hip arthroplasty intended to provide increased mobility while reducing pain in patients with damaged hip joints.
Like patients who received ASR hip replacements, the DePuy Pinnacle hip replacement also increases the risk of hip failure. This is because the two hip replacement systems had similar design defects. These lead to severe pain, dislocation of the hip implant and hip replacement failure. Although not part of the 2010 ASR hip recall, this device is also a metal-on-metal hip implant. Metal-on-metal implants carry many of the same side effects the recalled ASR implant.

Pinnacle Hip Implant Failing Warning Signs

Although some patients with a failing hip may not experience symptoms, the common signs are pain during movement or walking, swelling near hip or groin, lumps near affected hip, dislocation, and squeaking or popping noises during movement. Also, the metal-on-metal hip can cause metallosis. This comes from chromium or cobalt from the device enters the bloodstream. The metal is from premature wearing down of the implant. Abnormal amounts of these metals in the bloodstream may cause neurological symptoms, like blurred vision and dizziness, as well as organ damage.
A medical professional will need to run some tests to confirm the hip failure. These include an MRI, metal blood testing, and ultrasounds.

Treatment Options

Pinnacle Hip Implant FailingTreatment of hip replacement failure includes resurfacing of the “ball and socket” parts of the hip. Unfortunately for many, it means a painful total hip revision. During this excruciating surgery, the surgeon removes the faulty hip and replaces it with a new, safer model. He or she will also remove fluid and dead tissue from around the hip. In most cases, hospitalization and physical therapy are necessary to promote a return to normal joint function. Treating a failing replacement hip can be a long, difficult, and costly road back to normalcy.

Get Financial Help

The road after a Pinnacle hip implant failing can be very costly and painful. Depuy released a faulty implant into the market, and you got injured. This means a jury could find the company responsible for your injuries. To get advice from a qualified hip device attorney, contact the dedicated attorneys at The Michael Brady Lynch Firm at 877-513-9517. We have decades of experience going up against large corporations and getting you the compensation you deserve. The consultation is completely free.

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