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As more people come forward with hernia mesh complications, it is important to realize the symptoms of the device failing. Manufacturers don’t want you to know that hernia mesh has these side effects, but knowing the symptoms could save your life.

About Hernia Mesh

Hernia MeshAround 90% of all hernia repair surgeries use hernia mesh. Statistics show that surgeons perform over 1 million hernia surgeries each year. The FDA approved the mesh to help prevent recurring hernias. The hernia mesh reinforces torn or damaged tissue around hernias. Then, the tiny pores in the mesh allow tissue to grow into the device. Mesh may be made of woven fibers or pressed from a sheet of synthetic material. Manufacturers also make a mesh from animal tissue. Hernia mesh comes in different shapes and sizes for different hernias. Dozens of companies make hernia mesh, but the FDA has recalled many brands due to serious complications.

Hernia Mesh Complications

Hernia mesh complications can be life-threatening. Surgery is almost always necessary to fix hernia mesh complications. Recalled mesh has been responsible for some of the most serious complications. Complications of hernia mesh include adhesion, bowel obstruction, bowel perforation, and migration. People have also reported infection, rejection and hernia recurrence after being implanted with hernia mesh. Hernia mesh complications can occur soon after surgery or years later. It is important to know what symptoms to look for.
Some of the most common complications from C. R. Bard hernia mesh include:

  • Perforated bowel leading to chronic bowel and urinary problems
  • Chronic intestinal fistulae
  • Bowel obstructions
  • Adhesions when the mesh attaches itself to a patient’s internal tissues
  • Hernia recurrence
  • Infections – Some infections occur soon after the implant, but some happen years later.
  • Nerve damage
  • Autoimmune reactions
  • Organ perforations
  • Organ attachment
  • Mesh migration
  • Mesh rejection
  • Organ removal
  • Mesh removal surgery

Hernia Mesh ComplicationsHelp After Hernia Mesh Complications

At The Michael Brady Lynch Firm, we urge a patient who suffered complications after a hernia mesh surgery to file suit against mesh manufacturers. When a manufacturer does not warn you about faulty mesh, they should be held liable. We have over 20 years of helping victims seek justice after a medical device injures you. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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