Abuse and deaths in rehab facilities are more common than people are led to believe. It is important if your loved one was abused or died from the abuse to seek legal representation. A jury hears these disgusting details from your loved one’s injury or death and their emotional response often shows in the size of lawsuit compensation they award to you, the plaintiff.
The jury gets angry and feels guilty that the abuse happened. Therefore, past cases have led to massive compensation awards for damages and punitive actions. For that reason, very few nursing home abuse cases go to a jury trial.
Settlements & Verdicts
Over 95% of abuse cases are settled out of court and often the terms of the settlement are kept private including the size of compensation payment. This lack of public information makes it difficult to assess an average case value. However, the average case value is around $750,000. Yet, this could be on the low side.
Some recent case settlements or verdicts include:
- $65,000 in Pennsylvania for a fractured lower left leg
- $190,000 in Delaware for an untreated, bleeding bedsore
- $195,000 in Michigan for a fractured hip from an unsupervised fall
- $250,000 in Massachusetts for ingested foreign objects
- $300,000 in Michigan for a Stage IV bedsore
- $375,000 in Ohio for a blocked respirator causing breathing difficulties
- $400,000 in Alabama for an improperly installed feeding tube
- $960,000 in New York for a fall and a non-fatal head injury
- $1 million in Maryland for undiagnosed rectal bleeding
- $1 million in Mississippi for a fall from a wheelchair
- $1,57 million in California for late-stage bedsore that led to wrongful death.
- $1.84 million in California for a broken hip
- $4.5 million in Oklahoma for a hypothermic death
- $7.5 million in Kentucky for an accidental bedsheet strangulation death
- $12.3 million in Arkansas for a fractured hip resulting in death
- $65 million in Texas for a death resulting from sexual assault
- $200 million in Florida for a death after falling downstairs in a wheelchair
The largest recorded jury-awarded compensation in a abuse case is 1.1 billion dollars. This was after a 69-year-old Florida woman died in a home and was not discovered for weeks. Every situation is different, that is why contacting us for a free case review is an important first step.

Free Consultation
If you suspect your loved one is being abused or neglected, do not accept denials. Instead, contact a knowledgeable lawyer experienced with representing victims. We have been assisting the injured for 20 years. We help clients from all over the country. Our consultations are completely free. Call today.