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Asbestos Could Be in California Water Supply Post Wildfires

Cleanup has started in Sonoma and Marin counties after widespread wildfires damaged a large percentage of the area. However, now concerns are growing as cleanup agencies found asbestos left behind in the burned debris. That debris along with other pollutants may be affecting the drinking water and exposing hundreds of thousands to potential mesothelioma.

Asbestos & California Wild Fires

WildfireEarly last month, a series of wildfires started burning across northern California. Over twenty small burns turned into major fires that torched almost 250,000 acres and caused almost 100,000 people to evacuate from their homes. Almost 50 people died and almost 200 are in the hospital, thus making the week of October 8, 2017, the deadliest week of wildfires in California history.
Now, agencies are cleaning up the debris. In the debris is deadly asbestos. It is almost the rainy season in California, and officials are concerned this hazardous material could run into streams, rivers, and eventually the drinking water supply. Sonoma County alone has over 600 streams that pass through the burn zones. These streams flow into the Russian River. This is the primary drinking water supply for Sonoma and Marin counties and provides water to hundreds of thousands of people.

Dangers of Asbestos

The earth naturally produces asbestos. Usually, the ground buries the substance harmlessly deep below the surface and isn’t a danger to humans. However, when it is mined or stirred up by a natural disaster, asbestos can cause mesothelioma, a type of cancer. Each type of mesothelioma depends on the location in the body where it develops. Prognosis, symptoms and treatment options vary by type. The pleural and peritoneal types of mesothelioma are the most common, while pericardial accounts for just 1% of cases. Testicular mesothelioma does exist, but it is really rare. It accounts for less than 1% of all mesothelioma cases.

After a Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Sick Elderly WomanA Complex Litigation attorney like those found at The Michael Brady Lynch Firm is critical when seeking help to cover your asbestos-related expenses. Identifying when and where you were exposed to asbestos is crucial to your lawsuit. Experienced lawyers are familiar with companies that used asbestos and know which job sites had a significant amount of asbestos use. Also, they know which products contained high concentrations of the toxic mineral. Consultations are completely free, confidential and have no obligation.
The Michael Brady Lynch Firm has successfully represented thousands of consumers and recovered millions of dollars for their clients. The industry has recognized our team of attorneys as some of the most experienced and successful in the country. Many seek out our award-winning staff for our knowledge on complex litigation, scientific evidence development, negotiation strategies and trial tactics.
Most of all, our law office is resourceful and dedicated to pursuing any compensation. Because of this, we have received a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement, such as inclusion on numerous Plaintiff Steering Committees. We will take whatever legal measures are necessary when fighting for your rights to damages.

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