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Just a few weeks after a previous romaine recall rocked the country earlier this summer, the FDA is recalling the lettuce once more. This time it is from cyclospora contaminating multiple salad and wrap products sold by grocery stores including Kroger, Trader Joe’s and Walgreens.

About Cyclospora

Romaine RecallCyclospora infection (cyclosporiasis) causes watery, and sometimes explosive, diarrhea after the one-celled parasite enters through contaminated food or water. Fresh produce is the most likely culprit of cyclospora infection.  Some people infected with the microscopic parasite that causes cyclospora infection to develop no signs or symptoms. When a symptom develops, it happens within two to 11 days of eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water. Symptoms include frequent, watery diarrhea, loss of appetite, bloating, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, fever and, malaise. Diarrhea may last a few days to weeks.  Doctors can have difficulty diagnosing the cause of diarrhea. Therefore, doctors will recommend a stool test. Prolonged diarrhea can cause dehydration. A doctor may hospitalize a patient for intravenous fluids.

FDA Issues Another Romaine Recall

The FDA has issued a romaine recall on a variety of products produced between July 15 to July 18 and sold at Trader Joe’s, Kroger and Walgreens. These products have a “Best by” date ranging from July 19 through July 23. Cyclospora has an incubation period of two to fourteen days. Therefore, the FDA has not received any reported illnesses, yet. This is not the first cyclospora romaine recall. In May, McDonald’s salads supplied by Fresh Express had the infection. As of July 2018, 286 contracted the parasite.

Previous Romaine Recall

In March, there was a multistate E.Coli outbreak affecting 16 states. Pennsylvania has reported 12 cases so far, the highest number of any state. Idaho comes in second with 10. New Jersey, where the first case was reported last month has had seven cases so far. In Montana, six people have fallen sick, while Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Virginia, and Washington have reported three or fewer. About 53 people are sick in 16 states since March 13. Doctors hospitalized 31 and 5 developed hemolytic uremic syndrome, which causes life-threatening kidney failure.
The CDC and the FDA still do not know which farm in Yuma, AZ grew the contaminated lettuce.

Help After Cyclospora Infection

Stomach PainCyclospora has infected thousands of people in 2017 alone. Most people are infected through no fault of their owns. Companies distributing fresh produce have hurt consumers. Many times this parasite caused hospitalization, which also brings costly medical bills. Therefore, this why it is important to seek counsel from an experienced complex litigation attorney like those at The Michael Brady Lynch Firm. We have over 20 years representing injured consumers and receiving multimillion-dollar awards for their claims.

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