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Properly filling out a Business Loss Claim could help your claim. The intial steps you take can make the difference between a successful claim and an unsuccessful one. Follow these steps to ensure your claim will not be denied.

COVID-19 Business Loss Claim Denial

Tim Mossholder C8jNJslQM3A UnsplashInsurance companies are denying business claims since they say policies exclude losses caused by a virus or related to a government order. This includes a mandatory shutdown of all non-essential businesses. Also, insurers are claiming that businesses cannot prove physical damage or loss has happened. Therefore, insurance claims do not apply.

Business Loss Claim Example

Here is an example of what your claim should look like:

Insured: Your name
Insurer: Company Name
My business has lost income, had extra expenses, and suffered other losses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and people. Staying at home.
I am hereby presenting a claim for all coverages available under my business policy or policies for this loss of income and extra expense. This claim includes, but is not limited to, a claim for normal continuing expenses plus gross profit, lost income, extra expense, or any other similar benefit available under my policy r policies.
Because my business is suffering, please respond as quickly as you can.

If Denied

After receiving a denial claim, make sure to list questions about the denial. Then, start to compile documents such as your policy and denial letter. The denial could be a simple error. The staff may have entered an incorrect code. However, if your COVID-19 business claim was denied, this isn’t the end of the road. It is just the beginning.

Business Owner Sad CoverFree Insurance Case Review

If you or someone you love was negatively impacted by COVID-19, compensation may be available. Our attorneys are experienced with complex litigations. These claims could be complicated and problematic if you do not have the right team in place who are dedicated to fighting for your justice. Our consultations are free. Contact us today.

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