Disclaimer: Note that the firm is no longer accepting cases for the anti-psychotic medication Abilify or Tylenol autism cases. Thank you.
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FDA Issues Warning for Valsartan Contamination

FDA Issues Warning for Valsartan Contamination

FDA Warning On June 13, 2018, the FDA issued a warning that alerted healthcare professionals to contamination in the product Valsartan. The contamination contained “impurities in certain commonly prescribed heart medicines.”[i] Companies Involved Some of the companies...
FDA Sweeps Heart Medication Cancer Concerns Under the Rug

FDA Sweeps Heart Medication Cancer Concerns Under the Rug

The FDA released another alert about their investigation into the carcinogens recently uncovered in valsartan, Losartan and irbesartan medications. In typical FDA fashion, the commissioner said that the agency is still investigating but described the impact as small....
Heart Medication Recall Expands Again

Heart Medication Recall Expands Again

For the second time this month, heart medication recall expands again. Torrent Pharmaceuticals discovered that Losartan, a drug used to treat high blood pressure, a blood pressure-related heart problem and diabetes-related kidney issues tested positive...
Truth Behind the Heart Medication Recalls

Truth Behind the Heart Medication Recalls

In July 2018, the FDA began many heart medication recalls. The government agency discovered after inspections of factories in China and India that the medications contained deadly carcinogens. Americans are scared that the medications desperately needed to live a...
Another Blood Pressure Medication Recall

Another Blood Pressure Medication Recall

Another blood pressure medication recall has happened after the company detected trace amounts of a cancer-causing chemical, N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA). The Food and Drug Administration announced Aurobindo Pharma USA, Inc. is voluntarily recalling 80 lots of...
Valsartan Cancer Contamination Could Happen Again

Valsartan Cancer Contamination Could Happen Again

This year thousands of American consumers are shocked to learn that their heart medication could have caused their cancer as multiple recalls keep occurring. However, what happened at Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical could easily not only happen again, but it is...
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