Disclaimer: Note that the firm is no longer accepting cases for the anti-psychotic medication Abilify or Tylenol autism cases. Thank you.
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Dangers of Paragard Design Defect

Dangers of Paragard Design Defect

When a woman gets an IUD, she expects that not only will it protect her from an unwanted pregnancy, but also it will be safe. However, millions of women are completely unaware that a Paragard design defect could not only prevent her from never getting pregnant again...
Horrific Removal Side Effect of Paragard IUD

Horrific Removal Side Effect of Paragard IUD

A new study in the journal Contraception has found that IUDs are becoming the most common form of birth control women are using. The study found that 42% of women have an IUD. However, no one is informing women of the horrific removal side effects of one IUD in...
Paragard Linked to Serious Injuries

Paragard Linked to Serious Injuries

The popular birth control device Paragard has been linked to serious injuries. Thousands of women are now facing a lifetime of complications due to a device that was supposed to make their life easier. The manufacturer knew of these damages yet did nothing to warn...
Steps After Paragard Arm Break

Steps After Paragard Arm Break

Thousands of women are now facing the horrible side effect of a Paragard arm break. Yet, the manufacturer of this birth control never warmed women that this could happen. Now, thousands of women are facing horrible side effects.   About Paragard Manufactured by...
Warning: Paragard IUD Can Break!

Warning: Paragard IUD Can Break!

Experts are alerting women that the popular birth control device, Paragard IUD breaks and leaves women with horrible complications. Women need expensive and painful surgery to remove the broken arm piece if a medical professional can remove it at all.   About...
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