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Medical helicopter crashes in Minnesota and killed the pilot and a nurse on board. The crash also injured a third crew member.  The team was coming back from a trip to North Memorial Health about 100 miles outside of Minneapolis. No patients we located on the craft.

About Medical Helicopter Crashes

Air AmbulanceHelicopter crashes are the leading area for fatal accidents. These pilots do not have the experience as other pilots.  By their very nature, helicopters are difficult to fly. A lot of areas these crafts fly-in are difficult and hazardous to maneuver in. When airplanes fly lower to the ground, there are lots of hazards involved. These include towers, utility wires, mountains, along with tall buildings. Due to these incidences, crashes can be severe and substantial.

Fatal Medical Crash

At 1 AM a medical helicopter crashes in the middle of the airport where the runaways interest. Emergency officials pronounced the pilot and nurse dead at the scene. The survivor reported foggy conditions at the airstrip when the AgustaWestland A-109 helicopter went down inside a fenced area at the airport just northeast of the take-off location. The National Weather Service said that fog caused the visibility to about a quarter-mile.
The airport will remain operational as the government agencies FAA and NTSB perform more detailed investigations. This isn’t the first time a fatal medical crash occurred at that airport. In 2016, the same flight crew, North Memorial Air Care, experienced a helicopter crash. Three crew members died. The company said its crew had more than 30 years of experience, and there had never been a crash. Yet, now there is another.

Seek JusticeSad Family

A catastrophic plane crash or accident causes mental and physical suffering. Many describe panic, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, and survivor’s guilt. These feelings can change a person for the rest of his or her life. Therefore, this is why it is important to seek the counsel of a knowledgeable complex litigation attorney. We will fight to recover damages owed after this devastating accident. Our consultations are free. Contact us today.

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